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Before and After

Only shooting stars break the mould ! Well Bambino´s progress is just spectacular, and has been an amazing journey that have just started. Three years ago, when we first ask for the most unwanted, unskilled, untrustworthy and untrainable horses to the Defence Animal Centre in the Uk, we got two of the most challenging, difficult, dangerous and vicious horses I have ever encountered. One of them was Bambino, previously named 88.

Him and his friend, Lester, started the training here in Spain with me and I couldn’t be prouder today of them both. This is the prove that our horses only can do as well as we allow them to be; they only can grow if we allow ourselves to grow with them, and if we accept that they also have a thing or two to say.

You would like to know more about Bambino and the Household Calvary Horses being retrained here with us? Would you like this fabulous creatures be the ones helping you out? Don’t wait any longer, come and learn.


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